California’s New Solar Panel Requirements
January 17, 2020

California’s New Solar Panel Requirements
Recently, California has passed legislation that will require new homes in the state to have solar panels installed on the building. The legislation also includes an incentive for people to add a battery to their home, the sun’s energy will then be stored and used later.
It is projected to save homeowners a large amount of money on energy bills over the course of a typical 30-year mortgage. Adding solar panels to your home will increase its value. California has been battling extreme weather events in the past few years. Solar panels will allow for residents who may be affected by power outages to have access to power.
California has often started trends with the environmental policies that are implemented. The state now has the objective of obtaining all of its electricity from renewable energy sources. This new legislation goes a long way toward reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The new regulations will help the state with its main goal of achieving its carbon-neutral energy status.
Solar Panel Installation
If you are looking to add solar panels to your building, you need to rely on an experienced team. There are many benefits to adding solar panels so you can become energy independent. It is an investment that will pay for itself over the years.
If you want to learn more about our solar panel installation or upgrade services, give us a call. Our team here at Dollens Electric has been serving the San Jose, CA area for many years. Contact us to schedule our services.